800 students in grades 6-12
"Best of Philly" after school program with 40+ sports, clubs, and activities
76% of students matriculate to college
Students have earned admission to 300+ different colleges and universities around the country
Interested in a exploring a career in education? Apply to the new Boys' Latin Teaching Apprenticeship today! Click here to learn more.
Congratulations to our 2019-20 High School Move Up Day award recipients!
Boys' Latin of Philadelphia condemns racism and demands justice. Learn more about the action our school community is taking here.
In February, alumnus Kenneth Bourne facilitated engaging sessions in our 7th grade classes on social and emotional learning (SEL) and management skills.
BL'12 Denison'16 Rutgers'18
I wasn’t planning on going to college before Boys’ Latin… it wasn’t even on my mind. Then our principal connected me to Denison University and helped me navigate that new space. I now have 2 degrees, my Bachelors from Denison and my Masters of Social Work from Rutgers.
BL'18 Albright'22
My mom chose Boys’ Latin for me because my brother graduated from BL and thrived. She wanted me to have the same experience. Through Boys’ Latin I have been exposed to so many things. I know that I’m going to succeed in life. I know my classmates will too.
BL'16 UPenn'20
I believe that Boys’ Latin is the best school for young Black men in Philadelphia. It develops people in unimaginable ways. It takes boys, many who were told they were never going to make it in life, and changes their lives. I am forever indebted.
BL'16 UPenn'20
At Boys' Latin I found self-confidence that has helped me thrive in college. There, I discovered that I was comfortable being the 'smart guy'. I knew who I was and what I wanted to do. I knew I had a core group of brothers behind me that would support me tremendously.