
The primary goal of the Science Department is to produce scientifically literate students who are well-prepared to make sense of and make contributions to the world around them.

To meet this goal, we offer a variety of classes directed toward students of all abilities and interests, and designed to reflect state and national standards in science and engineering. Six core beliefs inform our curriculum: observation and hands-on exploration of the natural world form the foundation of science; data is ubiquitous and is the language of science; creativity resides in all children; writing is a central component of teaching and learning science and of the scientific endeavor; collaboration is a necessary skill in a globalized society and economy; and the world is connected.


Jelene Barnes

Campus: High School

Daniela Dorado

Campus: Middle School

Terrance Hopkins-Bey

Campus: Middle School

Kevin Little

Campus: Middle School

Hannah Malfitano

Campus: High School

Douglas Sponsler

Campus: High School


Anatomy and Physiology, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics, Biology, Biology 8, Chemistry, Ecology, Honors Anatomy and Physiology, Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, Honors Science 6, Honors Science 7, Honors Science 8, Physics, Science 6 College Prep, Science 7 College Prep, Science 8 College Prep

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